
Friday, February 10, 2012

NACADA Graduate Student Scholarships Available!

Applications for the NACADA Graduate Student Regional Conference Scholarship program are still being accepted. NACADA will provide selected student members with an opportunity to attend one of the ten region conferences this spring by waiving the student member registration fee. This exciting opportunity is possible due to the success of the NACADA Silent Auction held during the Annual Conference each year. Student scholarships are also available to attend the Research Symposium being held March 9-10 in Las Vegas, NV.

NACADA encourages all eligible student members to apply for these scholarships! This is an exciting opportunity for the Association to support our members and encourage student involvement. All application material can be submitted online via the NACADA Awards website.

Application deadlines are as follows: February 15th for Regions 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10; March 1st for Regions 3, 5, and 6. The Research Symposium Scholarship deadline is February 24th .

For additional scholarship information and criteria, please visit the websites below.

Region Conference Scholarship -

Research Symposium Scholarship -