Dr. Tatiana Melguizo from our school will be presenting a seminar entitled “The Impact of Transfer and Persistence Issues on Bachelor’s Degree Attainment”.
The Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance has organized a seminar series highlighting the latest research on college access, persistence, and success. The goal of the each seminar is to highlight recent research or policy issues related to five areas of the access and success spectrum: early information and awareness, college preparation and readiness, access and choice, transfer and persistence, and success and completion. Each seminar will be held on the researcher’s campus or in Washington, DC. The proceedings of the seminars will be used to prepare a primer on access and success for federal policymakers.
Date: Thursday April 26, 2012
Time: Noon – 2 pm
Location: WPH 403.
Members and/or staff of the Advisory Committee will attend each seminar. Faculty, students, staff, and other interested individuals are welcome. For any questions related to the seminar please contact Professor Melguizo directly at melguizo@usc.edu.