
Monday, February 27, 2012

NACADA: Advising Student-Athletes: A Model for Academic Success

“Advising Student-Athletes: A Model for Academic Success”
Region 9 Las Vegas, NV

NACADA/NCAA sponsored pre-conference seminar

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 1:00 - 2:45 pm

The “Advising Student-Athletes” pre-conference seminar will provide the framework to assist academic advisors in both two- and four-year institutions in creating academic plans that focus on student success and persistence to graduation while addressing the various academic, social, and collegiate-athletic issues facing student-athletes.

The faculty will lead participants through:

· Discussions of principles involved in academic advising for student-athlete success

· Recently approved NCAA Academic Standards for new, transfer and continuing students

· Developing an action plan that is both student-athlete and institution specific.

· Case studies that illustrate how the new academic standards impact advising practices and students’ successful progression through and between our institutions

Who should attend:

Academic advisors from both 2 and 4 year institutions will benefit from this seminar. Two-year college advisors will understand how to help prepare the student-athlete for transfer to a 4 year institution and position them for academic success using the new standards. Academic advisors from 4 year institutions will understand first-year, transfer, and continuing student success and persistence.

HOW to Register for pre-conferences if you are already registered for the conference!

Log in to MyNACADA

1. Choose General Shopping which takes you to the on-line store
2. Under Shop For: choose "Session" and hit GO
3. Scroll down to 2012 Region 9 Conference sessions (there are several pages of these)
4. Choose which "sessions" (pre-conferences) you want to attend, add them to your shopping cart and check out.
5. This will not stop you from choosing overlapping sessions, so be sure you know which ones you want to choose before you get into it.

By phone: If you are already registered for the conference: Call our office with a credit card number and tell whoever answers to please add you to specific pre-conferences. - call 785-532-5717

By fax: fill out the paper form and fax it to 785-532-7732 and put "adding precons " with credit card information.

Register for a NACADA region conference near you. For more details visit:
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