
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Student-Athlete Transfer Workshop

Dear Community College Counselors and Athletics Representatives,

Clear the Clearinghouse will be hosting an informational workshop at the University of Southern California for those individuals who provide advisement and counseling to community college student-athletes or who are interested in the process of athletic recruitment, eligibility, admission and compliance.

The NCAA has recently adopted new legislation which entail more stringent transfer requirements and that will affect all current community college student-athletes.  It is important that athletic directors, counselors, coaches, parents and student-athletes are educated regarding these changes in order to make the transfer process as seamless as possible.  

Along with discussing student-athlete transfer reform, other topics covered will be academic course selection, “academic redshirts”, amateurism, articulation process,  balancing AA and NCAA requirements, “non-qualifiers”, progress towards degree, and transfer credit reports, among other topics.  This is an interactive workshop with time for question and answer.

The workshop for the spring semester is scheduled for:

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014
John McKay Center
(A tour of the athletic facilities will be available at 8AM)
University of Southern California
Registration: $50

Breakfast, parking and all materials are included in the registration fee.

To reserve a spot for yourself, or a representative from your school, please email me by April 1st as spaces are limited.

Thank you.

Alex Garfio
Director of Admissions & Initial Eligibility
USC Department of Athletics
Phone: (213) 740-5326

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