
Monday, March 17, 2014

Graduate Professional Student Awareness/Appreciation Week GPSAW 2014

The GRUF (Graduate, Upperclassmen, & Family Housing) staff team and Building Government has worked long and hard to put on over a week of fun events tailored specifically for graduate and professional students! This year's theme is TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE. Please take a look at the schedule below to find out more about each event! Some may require RSVPs.

The link to the Facebook event can be found here:

Our first event to kick-off GPSAW will be a Casino Night in King Hall (above Café 84) on Sunday March 23rd from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The event is open to both USC Graduates and Undergraduates ages 21 and over with a grand prize of a free 3 day 2 nights vacation in Las Vegas for our highest roller and a World Series of Poker chip set for our runner-up.

For more information, please visit our Facebook page and RSVP to the event through this link

On Saturday, March 29th we will have a BBQ to conclude the week festivities. At the BBQ, we are raffling off prizes such as:

- Movie tickets
- Six Flag Tickets
- Bookstore Gift Card
- Nordstrom Gift Cards
- and more...

Come enjoy some free delicious food, play some games and win prizes!

***Fun Fact: The more events you attend, the more chances you will get to win prizes. Raffle tickets will be given at each event. Come out and increase your chances to win!

GPSAW 2014 Schedule of Events

Film Screening: A River Changes Course
Monday, March 24, 7pm, THH 101

Winner of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival’s World Cinema Jury Prize for documentaries, A River Changes Course tells the story of three families living in contemporary Cambodia as they face hard choices forced by rapid development and struggle to maintain their traditional ways of life as the modern world closes in around them. The film screening will be preceded by a live performance of a traditional Cambodian blessing dance by members of the Long Beach-based Khmer Arts Academy.

This program is open to all USC students.


Making a Transition from a Graduate Student to a Professional Academic: The Pros and Cons of Academia
Wednesday, March 26 12pm, THH 118

Want to know more about the life of an academic and job market in recent years?

Provost postdoctoral researchers Dr Gaoheng Zhang and Dr. Geraldine Fiss will discuss and share their observation of academia nowadays, expectation of an academic, campus resources, how to apply for a postdoc position, job market, and etc.. Get your questions answered and pick up some knowledge!

All students welcome. Lunch will be served.


What Grad Students Should Know About Money Management
Thursday, March 27, 12 PM, King Hall

Wondering how to plan for your financial future?
Financial Advisor Tom Tan will discuss auto, rental, and property insurance, what loans mean for you, smarter spending habits, retirement plans, and investments. Get your questions answered and pick up some knowledge!

All grad students welcome. Lunch will be served.

RSVP encouraged:


Interactive Media & Game Showcase
Thursday, March 27, 9am – Noon TCC 350-351

The graduate community of the Residential Education department will be putting together a symposium on Interactive Media & Design. Independent programmers, developers and gaming enthusiasts will be on hand to talk about their hardware and software designs. Participants will be able to try out and test new games on the digital frontier and even try new peripheral software that won't be released to the public until next year.

Morning Breakfast Reception will be offered at 9:30 AM


Ground Zero Milkshakes!!
Friday, March 28, 3-5pm, Ground Zero

Come join us for some free swag and milkshakes!
First 150 Grad Students get a free milkshake!!